Thursday 18 October 2012

File download

3 x A1 Posters

Symphony - restaurant, spa and lounge


Concepts_ Amorphous and transitional form
Amorphous drawn directly from the concepts identified in assignment 2, transitional form adapted from the concept fragmented. Fragmentation being a process in which an object is changed from whole to broken, or transitions between states.

Program_ Restaurant, spa and lounge

Site_ Tropical rainforest location

Design_ A curved structure made from prefabricated cement mimics the form of rolling hills. In the dining room, an open span space and glass wall panels allow panoramic and undisrupted views of the exterior. The transitional space between the interior and the exterior is eliminated and the boundary is indistinct. The architecture aims to achieve a seamless transition between the interior and exterior. The interlocking spaces of the architecture draw continuity between the levels and spaces.

On the spa level a hexagon screen divides space and allows privacy. The screen creates a play on light and shadow and casts a shifting pattern on the wall, floor and furniture surfaces. The transition between day and night and the movement of sunlight and shadows becomes an important aspect of the experience of the building. The ever-changing pattern cast by the shadows reflect the nature of amorphous.

Evocative textures work to enhance the sensual experience of visitors within the experience orientated spaces. Rather than sticking to a single function, the building's program is the fusion of three disciplines, relaxation, dining and socialising.

Renders and visualisations

Additional representation


Cryengine3 can be used to enrich the representation of architecture by simulating real-life conditions and situations. The environmental stimulation tools can be useful in identifying any constraints or opportunities presented by a site thus assisting with the design of an architecture.

I engaged with the tools and capabilities available in the engine by running a number of experiments relating to my architectural design and it's proposed site.

Experiment 1
First person perspective view simulation
  • The sandbox tool allows users to enter 'game mode' and then walk-through an environment in first person perspective. This tool can be used to experience what it will actually be like to stand inside an architecture and determin a location within the site which allows the best views. Common circulation paths can be taken to mimic the experience of visitors to the architecture. This is useful in ensuring all key views are visible from the interior of the architecture.

Experiment 2
Sunlight/shadow analysis
  • The time of day system simulates sunlight and shadow. The levels and location of sunlight and shadow changes throughout the day mimicing a real life diurnal transition. This tool is useful in identifying the aesthetic affects sunlight and shadow may have on the architecture, in particular the effect on materiality, and in the case of my architecture, the movement of the shadow pattern created by the hexagon screens, which was a key component in the design of the spa level of my architecture. By tracking shadows it also makes it possible to find the most suitable location in the site to maximise natural sunlight and minimise the need for artificial lighting for as long as possible throughout the day.

Experiment 3
Real time visualisation
  • The real-time state of the Sandbox editor allows users to see a realistic view of an environment without rendering.  360 degree panoramic views can be achieved from all angles as well as having the ability to actively change zoom and view perspective.

Experiment 4
Weather simulation
  • The sandbox editor also simulates various weather conditions such as rain, wind, fog, dust and fire. The severity of each condition can be changed to suit actual possible conditions which could occur in the proposed site. This is useful in visualising the effect of weather on the aesthetics of an architecture, in particular materiality and light levels. The weather simulation systems can also be used as a response method to potential issues raised by weather conditions, such as analysing puddling and drainage or developing emergency response systems to disasters such as fire or flood.

Thursday 4 October 2012

The building

Concepts: Fragmented and Amorphous
The building engages with the concept amorphous by physically moving, with shifting and revolving planes, creating an ever-changing and facade. The idea of fragmented is created by numerous voids in the surfaces.

Building program: Japanese style spa (Sentō), restaurant and lounge bar.

Modelling progress:

internal screens separate the spaces and direct circulation


Thursday 20 September 2012

Design proposal

1) Outline of Project 1

The architecture I chose for project 1 was The Cooper Union by Morphosis. The Cooper Union uses a fractured and folded facade which abstracts traditional forms and conventional shapes, proposing the concepts fragmented; state of being broken or ruptured and amorphous; having no distinct shape or form. I translated these concepts into an undulating hexagonal mesh, which in 4D literally fragmented. and then an architectural version which drew from the hexagon shape but had actual spaces which could be occupied.

2) Precedents

Giant Interactive Group Corporate Headquarters
, China

Rocco Design Architects
Guangdong Museum
Guangzhou, China 

3) Comparative Visual Analysis

Morphosis - Combination of jagged and linear elements and geometries, undulated form.
Rocco DesignRandom recessed geometries/voids 'carved' and cut-out of the facade.

Morphosis - Interior detailing reflects notions of folded, fractured and dispersed.
Rocco Design - 'Layered' interior with varying degrees of transparency and changing spatial arrangements.

Morphosis - Form appears carved from the landscape, provoking imagery of a sculpted landscape and augmented ground plane.
The lines between man-made and natural and landscape and structure bleed into each other.
Rocco Design - Undulating landscape deck to achieve a smooth transition between the museum and adjoining landscape.

4) Design Proposal

All buildings I have looked at so far have been large scale commercial/educational sector buildings; an educational institution, commercial offices/headquarters and a museum. For assignment 2 I will look at a smaller scale scheme with a different program.
  • Building functions
    • hospitality - restaurant/cafe or spa
    • emergency services - rescue services, fire, ambulance or police, emergency responses
    • residence - house
    • sports, recreation or leisure centre - swimming pool, gym, indoor rock climbing, etc
    • retail - store

5) Design Draft

Idea generation
Eliminate static architecture.
- building in motion, interactive architecture, choreographed movement and revolving floors give an ever shifting shape, circulation system moves through the building framing key moments/views.
- responsive architecture, emergency response, crowd response, reacts to time of day of weather/climate changes.
- internalising the landscape / setting.

- composed of irregular modules



 6) Additional mode of representation

I am considering both Cryengine and interactive web media as my additional representation methods. I want to allow interaction and show movement and Cryengine would be the most suitable for this. I am planning to allow people to walk around my architecture in real time and experience its interactive qualities and dynamic responses to various conditions. I can also use Cryengine to create videos and animations of the architecture.

I also want to experiment with interactive images and other media such as Pano2VR and QVTR to create panoramic images which can be scrolled around to show complete 360 degree views.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Comparative visual analysis

Fragmented and Amorphous

Irregular form
Combination of jagged and linear elements and geometries, undulated form.

Random recessed geometries/voids 'carved' and cut-out of the facade.

Interior detailing reflects notions of folded, fractured and dispersed.

'Layered' interior with varying degrees of transparency and changing spatial arrangements.

Link to landscape/site
Form appears carved from the landscape, provoking imagery of a sculpted landscape and augmented ground plane. The lines between man-made and natural and landscape and structure bleed into each other.

Undulating landscape deck to achieve a smooth transition between the museum and adjoining landscape.

Rocco Design Architects, Guangdong Museum

Rocco Design Architects
Guangdong Museum
Guangzhou, China